CBS changes 2022
As of January 1, 2022, CBS Netherlands made changes to the statement for International Trade in Goods. The changes are partly due to the new European regulation for business statistics.
As of 2022, it is mandatory to use the IDEP+ declaration module to send in the statistical declaration on international trade in goods. You have already received the login codes for this by letter from CBS Netherlands. The obligation to declare will be imposed on the fiscal unity for VAT/turnover tax from 2022.
Read more here if you have an obligation for the monthly statement for ICL in 2022.
From 2022, the transactions will change; all companies with a declaration obligation for the international trade in goods must complete the new 2-digit 'Transaction' field. This field replaces the 1-digit 'Transaction' field. In addition to the first, you must also supply the second digit in the code list. Above that, the code list has been changed compared to the current list.
We have built a conversion step for this when you file a CBS tax return next year. This step also adjusts the transactions. The notification also explains what you should do when your company sells to consumers. When you have the Florisoft version with the adjustment above, the new way is automatically enabled. You can also turn on the setting yourself with an update.
The biggest change for CBS sending is to include the country of origin. If you have a version from December 20 or younger, Florisoft will check whether the check mark Country of origin is selected for the debtor when transferring an invoice from January 1.
In the Florisoft version from the beginning of December to January 2, you might receive a message that the booking process is not successful. This is further explained in the mailing you received. When you update Florisoft, this setting is no longer looked at.
If you have checked the correct boxes, Florisoft will also enter the country of origin in the CBS table. This data can then be sent back to the CBS. This also has consequences for the statistics on the invoice print: these will now be grouped by country of origin. If you have 2 invoice lines for the same product with a different country of origin, these will appear as 2 lines on the layout.
You can add the country of origin yourself, or group it on the layout. If you cannot manage to do this, or if you would prefer us to do this, you can contact our support department. They can estimate the adjustment for you.
If you do want to separate per country of origin, you can set this up yourself. More information can be found in the mailing that has been sent.