Incorrect information on settlement of direct trade via Royal Flora Holland
You may have already read about it last week, for example via the Royal Flora Holland website. Recently, various organizations have sent news messages and emails containing incorrect information about the settlement of direct trade as of January 1, 2021. We’ll give you more information for growers and buyers.
Regularly messages appear in the media from companies that offer collection services outside of Royal Flora Holland. For example, it will be indicated that changes in the collection policy of Royal Flora Holland mean that you can no longer pay for your direct trade. This is not correct. You can still continue to pay for your direct trade via Royal Flora Holland in 2021. Royal Flora Holland offers growers and buyers alternatives that meet the applicable standards of the stricter European legislation (PSD2) and are close to the current working method.
There are various options for digital trading for direct trade. For growers with a Florisoft license, this means that you can continue to work in Florisoft via the API link with Floriday (or directly in the Floriday screens). For buyers, this means purchasing directly via Florisoft linked to Floriday in the Floriday screens, purchasing on Floramondo or FloraXchange or via VMP. This way you can continue to handle direct sales quickly and efficiently via Royal Flora Holland.
Do you have any questions about the possibilities of Floriday in combination with your Florisoft license? Feel free to contact us, we are happy to help you.